Freedom Flask Review

I’ve been hiding a product in my queue of review items for many months now and I finally had the opportunity to sit down (or stand up) and appreciate its creativity: The Freedom Flask. Imagine a 1980’s “Fanny Pack” made with material that looks like it could be from the hospital room; a product that holds liquid… but it’s a fanny pack… how do you pour it?

I sat down without any idea of what I had in my hands, exploring the material, the belt and clicking it together asking myself, “it looks like a fanny pack that holds liquid, but how do I pour it?” Then I watched the video on, things got more clear yet less clear at the same time.

Watch the video for yourself (as seen above) and it all makes sense, you drain your flask from the zipper of your crotch! Yes, the concept is simple, you fill your flask with the substance you want (say…I don’t know, spring water?) and hide it within your “shorts” so that you can quickly pour when in need. It’s the freedom to flask!

Obviously, I give mad props to anyone that can create such a crazy idea and go through with its full creation–not everyone takes their ideas to the end stage of production. I believe there are many folks that would love to get this type of gift for Christmas or would fit great into a Secret Santa game at work because it’s not extremely serious but, at the same time, it can be useful to the right type of consumer.

I, however, am not the consumer for the product itself. Why? I don’t really go a lot of places where I need to bring a stash of alcohol or other fine liquid spirits. But, I know a lot of folks that do look for ways of secretly stashing away their liquid and many of those folks wouldn’t blink twice at the neat convenience (even if the pour spout is a bit of a double-take). Freedom Flask does give people more freedom to choose their beverage without always relying on the high price costs of beverage at football games, concerts and other big events. Let’s face it, you already paid for the damn ticket and now you’re going to get gouge for an eight dollar half-glass of Bud Light? What the hell, right?

Key selling points for the Freedom Flask as I see it:

  • Reasonable Price at $24.95 (that’s like 2.5 beers at the game)
  • Great material, doesn’t leak at the nozzle nor does it leak at the fill-point cap.
  • Conceals your drink: That’s sorta the idea, so if it didn’t do that this would be bad.
  • WTF? You will no doubt be the talk of your friends when you whip out the nozzle, now that’s worthwhile.

The big tipping point for me, especially in giving this as a holiday gift, would be the quality material. Having, unfortunately, spent five months in the hospital with my son (diagnosed with Leukemia) I have had my fair share of medical equipment, IV bags, feeding lines and the such and the first thing I thought of when I put the Freedom Flask in my hand was that it reminds me of my sons feeding bag which is used to bring nutrients into his stomach from the bag (via pump). The quality was the same as something I trust on my own little boy, so I can very realistically underscore the value of the material of the Freedom Flask.

The applications for the flask range from actual use at games, or wearing to parties to show off and make people go, “did he just pour bourbon from his crotch?” If you want to be the talk of the party, this is the product for you. Holidays are upon us, I say hit up their online store and start working on some “talk of the party” Christmas gifts.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Freedom Flask
    March 25, 2013 at 7:57 pm

    Thank you for your kind review! You hit our purpose right on the head (no pun intended): saving people money at events, concerts, games, festivals, etc. where the price of alcohol is just too much. Thanks again for the shoutout.

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