Lovoka Caramel Liqueur Review, Tasting

Lovoka Caramel Liqueur was released this spring (2013), so it is still fairly new on the market so you may have a bit of a hard time finding it for now. We are here to prepare you for such a launch and get you familiar with what Lovoka offers in their caramel liqueur product.

The aroma of Lovoka is like a nice little candy factory of butterscotches and caramel sweetness that doesn’t require much of a glass to really open up the nose. It pours a nice gold color with a definite thickness in the pour. However, the most impressive presentation in the Lovoka product is the beautiful aluminum bottle and pour spout. The bottle pours like a dream and stands out with the brushed metal look and feel.

Aside from the design, something we try to spend only a few moments on (but this is the first time we’ve had a spirit in a metal bottle) we get to break into the liquid itself. A smooth and thick mouth feel that brings a super sweet caramel buzz to your face and  may come off, if anything, a bit artificial in the flavor–this may be due to the slight back-end heat that you get from the alcohol. Lovoka Caramel Liqueur is 30% ABV after all, so you will still get a bit of the finishing potent punch in the tasting (even on ice).

At a suggested price of USD$27 in the United States, you’re looking at an affordable liqueur for flavoring cocktails, coffees and even ice cream. Bring Lovoka together with an Irish Cream with your “Irish Coffee” and you’ll add yet a secondary dimension to the flavor while maintaining the Irish “roots” of alcohol punch.

If I had to guess, I would say their competing market would be against the likes of Van Gogh Dutch Caramel Vodka which works in the same direction but contains about 10% more alcohol. A lighter alternative isn’t too abnormal when talking about a liqueur and that allows the core spirit to dominate the alcohol proofing game while Lovoka just brings the caramel.

Overall, Lovoka accomplishes its goal of bringing caramel to the party so don’t expect too many complex dimensions other than its candified caramel explosive power. When a cocktail calls for a caramel liqueur or you make an executive decision that your cocktail needs an amplified caramel awesomeness, you can look towards Lovoka Caramel Liqueur to be up to such a task.

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