Cruzan Passion Fruit Rum Review

Cruzan Passion Fruit Rum, a new release launched by Cruzan Rum to no doubt put a smile on your face. Before we begin, let’s talk about why flavored rum rocks your face off. First, unlike flavored vodka I’ve found that flavored rums bring a bit more sweet and thickness to the profile without the lingering ethanol. Secondly, I like rum so that doesn’t hurt!

We’ve had a chance to try many Cruzan Rum flavors and have never been disappointed so jumping into a passion fruit flavored rum was high on our list of tastings this week. The aroma is that of a citrus, passion fruit and a strikingly familiar sour bite that I got out of the flavor in the passion fruit rum that I found in the green passion in the Dominican Republic.

On the taste, you get a fairly thick weighty spirit (probably thick with sugar) that starts out sweet and moves into a fresh passion fruit flavor end starts to end with a mild sweet with a fresh juicy fruit build up. This is a close approximation to a passion fruit without the seeds to worry about and the odd look of passion fruit. But, this is a rum, which means you’re getting 21% ABV in your passion fruit!

I think there needs to be a passion fruit rum cocktail designed as the main component in a martini-like layout. Add a sour component like a lime with a main focus on Cruzan Passion Fruit Rum and maybe a bit of a walnut bitter and you’re on the right track to something super awesome.

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