1921 Tequila Cream Review

1921 Creme de Tequila, a cream based tequila, we are going to explore the concepts of an “Irish Cream” from Mexico. What does 1921 Cream Tequila bring to the table? Well, as Ian says, it “sheets like a Baileys” and it does indeed bring some coffee-like flavor profiles and aromas that immediately makes us this: this needs to go into coffee!

On top of the basic concepts of an Irish cream, cream with whiskey, 1921 Cream Tequila takes it a level deeper with both coffee notes, muted fruits (blueberries?) and spices that remind a few of us of sandalwood incense all with a creamy consistency. The spices, thick body and fruity notes come at the penalty of not bringing a lot of tequila “agave” flavorings.

We found, while utilized as a base, the tequila is not a front forward flavor for this beverage. You will find some mild alcohol burn at room temperature and that comes with pretty much any cream liqueur. You may also go back and taste some Irish cream brands and find they don’t bring a lot of Whiskey flavor either–it’s a cream based product through and through.

What we can’t deny is the lack of cream based tequila products on the market and, when chilled, a crisp boost of flavor that can be applied to coffee, hazelnut or beverages (guinness mayhaps!?). It is neat to see a company making a product like 1921 over yet another blanco tequila because, lord knows, the market is saturated with blanco and reposado tequilas (not a bad thing, just kinda not new or exciting).

Looking to expand your cream based products? 1921 Tequila Cream will hit you with some great spice, perhaps some blueberry, maybe even a tad bit of honey which may bring “baklava” to mind as you sip. For USD$30 on DrinkupNY.com, it’s a hard product to pass up as a good blanco will run about the same price, but now you can have something just a bit different.


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