Jolly Traveler Winter Shandy Review

Today we take a look at Jolly Traveler’s winter shandy offering, last time we tasted a beer from the Traveler Beer company it was the Jack O Traveler Pumpkin, but it’s colder out side now and all the pumpkins are dead–time to go winter shandy.

Now, a shandy in the winter that’s not too high on alcohol is a bit different, it’s not a “warmer” as some beers are intended. The Jolly Traveler maintains a bit of the summer time / fall “fruity” appeal without going too fruit forward yet maintaining the citrus of a shandy.

Great for those looking for a lighter holiday/party type beer that you can sit around the fire with friends and talk (the fire would just be in a fireplace instead of a camp ground).

Interestingly, it doesn’t have a full forward cinnamon approach with too many holiday spices, it maintains enough of its beer roots to still be a product a beer drinker can enjoy.

Jack O Traveler Pumpkin Shandy Review:
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