
Video Game Cocktails: Halo Plasma Grenade

In the game of Halo the Plasma Grenade is by far the most effective. If your aim is spot on you can stick an enemy in mid jump and once the grenade is attached to them its immediate death. I wanted to recreate this grenade the best I can by creating it into a bomb shot with a grenade twist. When you take the Vodka shot you get an immediate burn that stays with you. When you take the Vodka “pin” out of the glass the Blue Curacao “plasma charge” drops into the Sprite and immediately starts to turn blue and once you drink the ice cold mixture you get an immediate cooling sensation extinguishing the burn. This concept is kinda like the effects of an explosion.

The initial detonation is immense and catastrophic but as the kinetic charge dissipates the destruction levels out but the damage is already done and its effects last. So grab your arsenal and get ready to deploy your grenades on your unsuspecting enemies, definitely a fun shot to do.

See more at Facebook/SpiritCocktails



  • 1 oz. Vodka


  • 1 oz. Blue Curacao


  • Sprite

For the shots fill one shot glass with Vodka and the other with Blue Curacao. Next fill a tall wide rimmed glass with ice cold Sprite. Balance both glasses on top of the glass. First grab the Vodka shot and drink it and the Blue Curacao shot should drop into the glass then immediately chug the mixture.

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