
Everyday Drinkers Episode 44: Stout Beer Again

We’re bringing out some stouts again, this time we’ve got more tasters including an injured Dave. This episode is reasonable and length and unending funny. We’ve got everything from regular stout to chocolat stout, how can you go wrong?

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  • Reply
    March 11, 2012 at 8:28 pm

    I was listening to this podcast or another one can’t remember exactly and you (Derrick) said you don’t know who would go from say Budweiser to Guinness. I lol’d because I was that guy, true story!! See I just drank beer occasionally and always drinked the common American brands… Bud Miller etc…So I took a trip to the UK and ferried over to Ireland. I drinked two Buds on the way over. Well needless to say I ended in a Pub in the heart of Dublin and had my first Guinness and have never looked back. You can smell the stuff brewing all over town and it smelt kinda like potatoes believe it or not. I’ve been scared to try the stuff we have over here since my first experience with Guinness was in a pub and from tap. I caught a 4pk of the canned Guinness on sale today and thought why not give it a try because it’s been awhile since my trip and I’m wanting a Guinness bad. So I’m gonna crack one open soon and see how it compares.

    • Reply
      March 11, 2012 at 9:18 pm

      You’ll be fine, I have had them over here and over there and, while over there is 10x better, you also have to consider your state of mind. Being in a pub in the heart of Dublin… or being at home. One sets a sorta “mood” for the beer you’re drinking and, being in the heart of its birthplace makes it taste all the better.

      Sure, it’s better there but something gets added when you’ve got the emotional mindset of being in Dublin drinking a stout 🙂

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