
Orlio Organic – Common Ale

Orlio Organic - Common AleA perfectly golden brown ale, slightly pale with a very distinct malty smell. If this brew was a bit stronger it would make a very tasty winter ale but it only holds a 5% alcohol by volume. Orlio Organic Beer Company is in Burlington Vermont, not too far from my home state of New Hampshire and offers three different bears, a seasonal black lager, seasonal india pale ale and the common ale.

Orlio Organic Common Ale is the mid-level potent beer from Orlio but offers a light caramel taste with a hoppy finish. This hoppy finish may be from the Munich malts which seem to define the beer and give it a rich flavor. Knowing it’s an organic beer and USDA certified is nice and, in honesty, that’s why I purchased a six pack. The $10.00 I paid for the six pack seems more of value considering the certification it has gone through, however I was taken by surprise with the smooth creamy taste.

The beer tastes like a very expensive micro-brew and I’m fairly certain a beer lover would find it extremely tasty. Until now, I’ve never seen an Orlio brew in the store but the logo and uniqueness took me by surprise and when looking for a new beer to review something that stands out is the best way to get my attention.

If you can find this Burlington Vermont beer in your area, it’s worth a taste. Mmm…


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